Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations by my Students
A Discussion of Black Mothers and Motherhood in Hip Hop by Brittany Stubblefield-Engram
Presented at the Southwest Popular and American Culture Conference
Starting Somewhere: Hip Hop Rhetoric and It’s Role in Mindset Transformation and Policing
Reformation by Michael DavisonPresented at the Southwest Popular and American Culture Conference
Social Impact Projects
***Global Warming by Abramn Rodriguez
*Mental Health in Immigrant Communities by Jasmin Rangel
**Track, Neuter, Release (TNR) Program for Stray Cats by Esmeralda Reyes
Animal Experimenation by Betel Kiflu
*Women's Rights (Unidas Latinas) Website by Alexsandra Martinez
Latino Achievement Gap by Maribel Barbosa
Black Lives Matter by Quanetta Miller
Covid-19 Pandemic by Cesar Aguinaga
Justice for Orca Whales by Yuliana and Pearla
Obesity Awareness by Markesha Gibbons
Cardiovascular Disease by Damien Lopez
Pollution by Megan Brown and Jahanna McDuffie
Healthcare Research by Melodie Stairs-Clemetson
Climate Change by Cassandra and Chris
Stress and Anxiety by Casandra
Handing out Food to the Homeless [Video] by Emilio
Unsung Heroes of DFW [Video] by Chad
Black Poverty by Jordaysia Brown
Caring for Pets [funny video] by Mario
End Corruption at the Olympics by Patrick Donalson
Excellent Group Video by the Hope is Vital Group [AIDS]
Violent Crimes in South Africa
Mental Health Among Minorities
Race and Racism – LaceAgainstRace.Webs.Com
Race and Racism Final Group Project (by Amy Luciano Santamaria)
Hip Hop Rhetoric Projects and Papers
Paper: "Rappers and their Unspoken Debt to Society" by Jazmin Rodriguez
**Presentation: "Gendered Double Standards Towards Sexual Expression in Hip Hop" by Jordyn Dotie
**Presentation: "Hip Hop and the 'Masculine' Perception" by Julian Harlin
*Presentation: "Rappers and Victim Blaming Discourse" by James Robinson
Latinx Studies
*Tia Larranaga https://medium.com/@t.m.larranaga
*Isabella Gallegos https://medium.com/@isabellaagr21
*Raquel Vera https://medium.com/@r.vera_31500
Joseph Ek https://onehtt39057451.wordpress.com/blog/
Karen Collazo https://lamarcianamexicana.wordpress.com/
Simone Ferrari https://tcusimoneferrari.wordpress.com/blog/
Freddy Garcia https://garciafreddytcu.wordpress.com/blog/
Pamela Guerrero* https://anacademicanthology.wordpress.com/blog/
Yasmin Misra* https://timetoeatalgae.wordpress.com/
Laura Tucker https://lauraslearningblogattcu.wordpress.com/
Ashley Bliss https://ashleyscrib.wordpress.com/blog/
Aly McCloud https://alyleann.wordpress.com/blog/
Payton Cranford* https://paytoncranford.wordpress.com/
Kimberly Calderon https://kimberlycalderonltnx.wordpress.com/
Jessica Frias* https://jessicafriaslatinx.wordpress.com/ [excellent research]
Tommy Truong* https://thongtruong560739883.wordpress.com/ [Asian student's perspective]
Seminar on Critical Race Theory
Milan Bolash https://exploringcrt.wordpress.com/blog/
*Freddy Garcia https://garciafreddytcu.wordpress.com/blog/
Triniti Jessie https://hjessie730544433.wordpress.com/blog/
Vivian Nguyen https://viviannguyen0110.wordpress.com/
Desiree Alvarez https://organicdesiree.wordpress.com/blog/
Cloie Trevino https://insidethemindofchlo.wordpress.com/blog/
*Caitlyn Young https://caitscrtthoughts.wordpress.com/blog/
Myah McNair https://https759241957.wordpress.com/blog/
*Payton Cranford https://paytoncranford.wordpress.com/
Cristopher Gianakopolous http://crisblogcrt.wordpress.com/
Mary Langford https://mklangford.wordpress.com/
Meg Wilhorn https://megwilhorn.wordpress.com/blog/
Haylee Chiariello https://ndnfrog.wordpress.com/blog/
New Media Writing
*Abraham https://medium.com/@papaabe9
*Lucy https://medium.com/@lucyandersonn2000
**Aakira Blackmon https://medium.com/@aak123ra
**Michelle https://medium.com/@mcw71415
*Stephanie Cisneros https://medium.com/@stephcisneros
*Lucy Anderson https://medium.com/@lucyandersonn2000
*Melodie Stairs-Clemetson https://melodiestairclemetson.wordpress.com/
Mallary Frierson https://mallaryslifemakeover.wordpress.com/author/mallfries/
Maritzabel (Bell) Monge https://bellwritesfor.school.blog/blog-feed/
Haley Casillas https://littleredandtheteddybears.home.blog/
Yen Tran https://ynhttina.wordpress.com/blog/
Benjamin Candia https://benjamincandia.wordpress.com/blog/
Michela Francis* https://girlguide675361712.wordpress.com/blog/ [extra creative]
Natalia Villa https://quietsheep56.com/
Michael Davison https://blahblah5oh.wordpress.com/academics/
Valeria Contreras https://valentinevalerie.wordpress.com/blog/
Maria Quintero [ENGL 1313] https://mariaquinterountd.wordpress.com/blog-feed/
Ari Hernandez [Engl 1313 AND 1323] https://sophisticatedblog.home.blog/blog-feed/
Jonathan Leon [Engl 1313 AND 1323] https://jonathansblogging435569323.wordpress.com/blog-feed/
**Maria Olivas [ENGL 4900] https://elemaroli.wordpress.com/blog/ [perfect organization]
*Catherine York [ENGL 1313] https://medium.com/@catherineyork_10881
*Paulina Hernandez [**ENGL 1313 and 1323] https://paulinasblog253520689.wordpress.com/blog/
*Vianney Avila [ENGL 1323 Hip Hop] https://vianneyavilablog.wordpress.com/
Rhetoric/Writing Studies
Yinel Cervantes https://yinelsblog.wordpress.com/
Race and Racism
Precious Whitley https://precious803931147.wordpress.com/
Alexia Smith https://evolutionizeyourmindset.wordpress.com/
*Valeria Contreras https://valentinevalerie.wordpress.com/blog/
*Brittany Engram https://alittlebritofeverything.wordpress.com/blog/
**Jonatha Brunelli https://medium.com/@signorebrunelli
Hip Hop
*Brittany Engram https://alittlebritofeverything.wordpress.com/blog/
Valeria Contreras https://medium.com/@valeriacontreras_36902
Jordyn Dotie https://medium.com/@dotjordy
Esmeralda Contreras https://esmeraldacontreras.wordpress.com/blog/
Michael Davison https://blahblah5oh.wordpress.com/
Alena Poole https://clairescorner862804343.wordpress.com/blog/
Jayden Bell https://jaydenbell.home.blog/
Bryan Lopez https://tenyochodemarzo.home.blog/
Liasha Ortiz https://astrorager.wordpress.com/
Business Idea and Marketing
Business Websites [New Media Writing]
**Listen. Learn. Lounge. https://abramnrodriguez-lll.mystrikingly.com/
**Hotel Carmilla https://jbrunelli2002.wixsite.com/hotelcarmilla
*Herbal Space https://herbalspace.mystrikingly.com/
*The Spiritual Spot https://thespiritualspot.mystrikingly.com/
*In a Bind Clothing Store https://sincere-tomato-dp4n08.mystrikingly.com/
Custom Sneakers https://kyrajohnson7.wixsite.com/customzinc
Food World Museum https://sharpnation101.wixsite.com/website
Book Nook Coffee Shop https://kamryjbrown.wixsite.com/thebooknook
NeKofe: https://tinatran2741.wixsite.com/nekofe
Game Time Lounge https://site-3230903-5738-1113.mystrikingly.com/
Backstage Theatre https://robclee.wixsite.com/backstagetheater
67th Street Bar https://emilymontecillo21.wixsite.com/mysite
Sketch Cafe: https://alexnava015.wixsite.com/website-1
Golden Hour Cafe & Studio: https://beverlywilliamson.wixsite.com/goldenhourcafe
All Around Vegan Food: https://zaydalara.wixsite.com/all-around-food
Marvin's Room: https://hechernandez00.wixsite.com/my-site
Business Proposal Letters with Charts [New Media Writing]
67th Street Cocktail Bar - Emily Montecillo
Listen. Learn. Lounge. - Abramn Rodriguez
Business Proposals [Technical Writing]
Rap Music and Society: Papers, Websites, and Annotated Bibliographies
*Misogyny and Rap Music by Paulina Hernandez
**Misogyny and Rap Music by Doruntina Kraniqi
*Rap Music's Positivity for Society by Minh Nguyen [strong paper despite ESL grammar issues]
Comparing Rap Music and Narco Corridos by Alexsandra Cruz
Student Paper – Leslie Montes – Rap Music and the LGBTQ Community
Effects of Rap on Kids – Stephania Gomez [APA Style]
The Impact of Rap Music on Children - Rolando Castillo [APA Style]
Positive and Negative Effects of Rap – Alexandra Whiteaker [APA Style]
What Effects Can Rap Music Have on Children - Zabdi Pina [APA Style]
What Effect Can Rap Music Have on Children - Liliana Paniagua [APA Style]
The Importance of Rappers Doing Good for Society - Julio Quintero [APA Style]
How Rap is Helpful and Harmful for Kids – Aidee Sierra
The Effects of Rap Music on Children – Shanta Claiborne
Kevin Lee -Rap Music and Society
Rappers and Social Responsibility [student website]
Rappers and Drug Culture [student website]
Annotated Bibliographies on the Effects of Rap Music on Children
Zach Wa*Zayda Lara Dive In [Japanese School system with commercial]
**Jequita Finney The Tweeners Podcast [very strong]
Esmeralda Reyes Spooky Stories
*Emily Jimenez Memorable Media
*Nicole Dmitrejtschuk Communication Styles [with audio clips]
Vanessa Malagon Real-Nessa Podcast
Esmeralda Reyes Barbarian Movie Review (with script)
*Brittany Engram A Little Brit of Everything
*Edvin Arriaza Maroches Bakery Murder
Shere Forever We Rage Podcast by Daniel Arellano
D'Vante Muse "Oak Cliff Biness" (M03 Death)
Spencer Bradshaw He Think He Slick Podcast on Popular Culture
Tori Forte I Said What I Said
Cassandra [DACA interview in Spanish] https://soundcloud.com/user-654338194/the-daca-series-ep-2
Rebecca [Growing up Hispanic] https://anchor.fm/aguaytequila/episodes/Growing-Up-Hispanic-Los-Dias-Festivos-e95vgv/a-a1225dh
*Daisy [A Near Kidnapping in Mexico with commercial] https://anchor.fm/daisy-flores4/episodes/Someone-is-watching-you-e92rke
Maritza [the Mandela Effect with commercial] https://anchor.fm/maritza-torres/episodes/Fly-on-The-Wall—Mandela-Effect-e95b38
Micaela [Filter Free Forum with commercial] https://anchor.fm/micaela-smith2/episodes/The-Filter-Free-Forum-Episode-2-e9an0l/191202-Filter-Free-Forum-Episode-2-edt2-1-m4a-a13o2pp
Yen Tran [Anime Talk] https://anchor.fm/yen-nhi-tran/episodes/Episode-2-The-Controversial-Gatekeeping-in-Anime-Debate-ev6gnk
Michela Francis [1st Kiss and How to Talk to Guys] https://anchor.fm/michela-francis
*Alex Nava [Tattoos with GrubHub commercial] https://anchor.fm/alex-nava6/episodes/Tattoos-and-What-Comes-Along-with-Them-euuf4b
Lisette Macias [Story: Brother's Ex Steals Dog] https://anchor.fm/lisette-macias/episodes/My-Brothers-Ex-wife-Stole-my-Dog-e1b12d5
The Effects of Rap Music on Children
Interview with teenager and pre-teen about rap music by Areth Michelle Lopez
Effect of Rap Music on Children by Alexander Olivares
The Effects of Rap on Children by Shere Pena
The Effects of Rap Music on Children by Zabdi Pina
Speak Yo Piece: Rap and Children by Sirwesley Raven
Rap and Kids by Sheyla Aguilar
Rap Music and Children by Doruntina Krasniqi
Rap's Effect on Children by Jennifer Tovar Alvarez
*Rap's Effects on Children by Kameron Hyde
Various Topics in Hip Hop and Rap
**Current and Former Police Officers Discuss Rap Music and Policing
Female Rappers in the Rap Industry
Effect of Rap Music on Teenagers by Esmeralda
Black Motherhood and Hip Hop by Brittany
Depression and Hip Hop by Tram
Rappers' Social Responsibility by Julian
Mother Interviews Daughter About NBA Youngboy
Student Talks with Coworker About Hip Hop
Interviews About Academic Writing
*Catherine Interviews Dr. Babcock
*Emilio Perez Interviews a College Junior in Political Science
*Lorenzo Mendez Interviews Friend About Academic Writing
*Amaya Interview Brother About Academic Writing
**Diego Interviews Nursing Student (Video)
*Destini Interview Supply Chair Professor
Emily Galvez Interviews a Business Professional
Carlos Esteban Interviews a College Junior in Engineering
Jose Alvarez Interviews a College Junior in Education
Jeffrey Galvas Interviews a College Junior in Chemistry
Alexsandra Martinez Cruz Interviews a Chef and Teacher
Rhetoric of Race and Racism
**Jordyn Dotie on the social construction of race
*Abramn Rodriguez on Racial Comedy
*Abramn Rodriguez on Black and Latino Linguistic Diversity
**Michelle McWhorter on Whiteness
**Lesly Duran on Code-Switching, Family, Culture, and Pronunciations
**Jonathan Brunelli on Whiteness
**Elton Fletcher on Black Code Switching [extensive episode]
*Keairra Thompson on Black English
*Esmeralda Reyes on racial comedy
Michael Davison on rhetoric and race/racism
Desmond Burton on racial comedy
Brittany Engram on the social construction of race
*Valeria Contreras on AAVE and Spanglish
Final Recap Episodes in Rhetoric of Race and Racism
Episode by Lexee Hobbs
https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nofilter23/episodes/Since-the-beginning-of-time-e2j9ujkLinks to an external site.
Episode by Jonathan Brunelli
https://open.spotify.com/episode/0rvJH6eRC6euG6mdaJh4Yb?si=wXjB59h8TE-tjmuXrVEr8g&nd=1&dlsi=97081dca5e9a4999Links to an external site.
Lesly Duran
https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lesly316/episodes/Final-Recap-of-Semester-Topics-e2iu19oLinks to an external site.
Michelle McWhorter
https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/michelle-mcwhorter/episodes/Semester-Recap-e2j9v81Links to an external site.
Abramn Rodriguez
https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/abramn-rodriguezyah/episodes/Semester-Synapse-Rhetoric-of-Race-and-Racism-e2j8trmLinks to an external site.
Sophi interviews friend about being Latina, accents, etc.
Sidney interviews friend about being Latina and being in college at TCU
Cielo interviews her mom about being Latina
Engaging Diversity Final Projects (Podcasts, Websites, Books, etc.)
Vodcast Episode on Diversity with Two Guests by Maddy Grier
Zach Wadas on "A Genealogy of Modern Racism" and Cornel West
George Fleischauer on "A Genealogy of Modern Racism" and Cornel West
Peyton De Luca on His Experiences in Diversity
Podcast Episode on Diversity and Young People by Zach Wadas
Podcast Episode on Diversity in Life by Daniel Garza [good story at 20:00 of podcast]
Website on Engaging Diversity (Articles, Videos, etc.) by George Fleischaeur
Website on Diversity, Social Construction of Race, Woke-ness, etc. by Erika Yanez
Website on Diversity in Variious Realms of Society by JC Gurdian
Website with Diversity Resources (Videos, Podcasts, etc.) by Callie Marie
Children's Book on Diversity by Zach Wadas - The Colors of Harmon
Children's Book - Hands of Diversity by Chris Puente
Covid-19's Impact and UNTD Response
Interviews for Latinx Studies
Video/Zoom Interview of Latino Individual by Macy Roth
*Interview with Teenage Student by Stephanie Vordokas
Jazmin Delgado Interview with Dr. Garcia [Chicano vs. Mexican American]
Interview with Latina by Maimuna Badjie [A Proud Chicana]
Interview with Latina Individual by Ashton Young
Interview with Latino Individual by Chloie Trevino
Interview with Latina Individual by Christopher Castillo [Mexican-American food and culture]
Interview with Latina Individual by Laurel Champagne [Latina's perspective on machismo]
Interview with Latino Individual by America Enriquez [Different perspectives from two Latinxers]
Interview with Latino Individual by David Chitwood
Interview with Latina Individual by Alexandra Gaytan [Growing Up on the Border]
Interview with Latina Individual by Tania [A Spaniard interviews a Puerto Rican]
Interview with Latina Individual by Andrea Pena [a daughter and mother discussion]
Interview with Latina/o Individuals by Adrian Rodriguez [food, music, immigration, and racism]
Interview with Latino Individual by Saira Saenz [sister/brother discussion]
Interview with Latino Individual by Freddy Garcia [father/son discussion]
Interview with Latino Individual by Cristina Alba
Interview with Latino Individual by Esmeralda Camacho
Interview with Latino Individual by Payton Crawford [interview with Puerto Rican friend]
Student Papers/Essays/Research Papers
Literacy Narrative by Benicio Castillo (strong writing)
Literacy Narrative by Amaya Escobar (powerful content)
Advice on Academic Writing by Sara Nambo-Baez
Advice on Academic Writing by Zabdi Pina
Advice on Academic Writing by Doruntina
Advice on Academic Writing by Catherine York
Analysis of Political Rhetoric by Ashley Alfaro
Analysis of Political Discourse Communities by Irma Salazar
Elements of a New High School by Heather Hutchison [advanced composition]
Components of a New High School by Maria Olivas [advanced composition]
Tools that aid in Teachers' Success by Ishmael Bangura [advanced composition]
District Resources for Students by Maria Olivas [advanced composition]
*Superintendent's Plans for District Teachers by Heather Hutchison [advanced composition]
All These N****s My Sons by Brittany Engram [hip hop rhetoric]
Money Moves: Messages About Money in Hip Hop [hip hop rhetoric]
Hip Hop Rhetoric on Policing and the Value of Human Life [hip hop rhetoric]
*Rap Music and Misogyny by Paulina Hernandez [ENGL 1323]
**Misogyny and Rap Music by Doruntina Krasniqi
**The Effects of Rap Music on Children by Doruntina Krasniqi
**Rap Music and Its Effects on Children by Kameron Hyde
Rap Music and Children by Shayla Aguilar
Rap Music and Children by Vianney Avila
*Final Paper on Rhetoric of Race and Racism by Valeria Contreras
Hip Hop Lyrics (using Literary Devices)
Entering a New Discourse Community Project
Students in my College Writing I course learn about a new discourse community and create media:
Jovanny Succulents Video Succulents Social Media Comments Succulents Podcast
Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama
Various Student Papers on Literature
Play to Fiction: The Importance of Being Earnest
Vietnamese Voices for Vietnamese Issues: The Sympathizer
© 2019