Robert Tinajero
Professor and Writer
My Tedx Talk
Genealogy of Race/Racism
My TEDx talk (El Paso) about the social construction of race and racism.
Artifical Intelligence Info.
Article on Using AI for Essays
How to Avoid AI Use in the Classroom
Artificial Intelligence Options
AI Detection Options
Various AI Tools
ENGL Faculty
Information for ENGL Faculty
My Academic Articles
Academic Articles I have Authored or Co-Authored
Hip Hop and Religion: Gangsta Rap's Christian Rhetoric
Violence in Our Community: Middle Level Students' Voices on Walmart Shooting in El Paso, TX
Latin@ Borderland Hip Hop Rhetoric [full article]
Borderland Hip Hop Rhetoric: Identity and Counterhegemony [from book]
Relandscaping the Rhetorical Tradition Through Hip Hop
Doctoral Dissertation: Hip Hop Rhetoric: Relandscaping the...
Merging Authentic Field Experiences with Parents of ELs...
Ph.D. Writings
Essays and projects from my Ph.D. work in Rhetoric and Writing Studies.
My Students' Work
Blog essays, E-portfolios, Research Papers, Social Projects, Podcasts, etc.
My Presentations
Various visual presentations on hip hop, race, writing, pedagogy, etc.
Tips/Info. for High Schoolers
Tips and information for high schoolers on college, scholarships, etc.
Media on Me
Interviews and articles about my professional career.
Guest on The Mijos Podcast
My Poem "El Paso"
A reading of my poem titled "El Paso", which is my home town.
Poem From Praisesong Project
Poem "c section"
My poem "c section" was chosen to be part of the Praisesong for the People project in Texas.
© 2019